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A child recites the pledge of allegiance

Census 2020

To achieve an accurate assessment of the population living in the United States, the U.S. Constitution mandates a census of the nation’s population every 10 years. The most recent decennial Census was conducted in 2020. The population counts and data collected from the Census are used to make sure everyone is represented in our political system and that government resources are allocated fairly.


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Census data determines how many congressional seats a state receives; how much federal funding will be allocated to local communities for public services and infrastructure needs ranging from early childhood education to senior nutrition; and provides a picture of the changing demographics of the country.  Additionally, Census data is used by governments to determine where schools, roads, hospitals, child care centers, senior centers and other facilities should be built, and by businesses to determine where to expand job hiring and establish new locations.

For more information on the County’s 2020 Census efforts, see below.

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