Financial Support services provide older adults with information with the goal of reaching financial stability. These programs may qualify older adults and dependent adults to receive financial assistance, access trainings and information sessions, and receive supportive counseling and guidance.
An older adult or a family member can designate someone to be notified when that older adult’s property taxes are falling behind.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs provides counseling and educational support for older adults regarding home foreclosure prevention, notices of default, and avoiding scams.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers programs to assist older adults with identity theft issues including counseling, credit reports, and reducing risk of elder financial abuse.
The LA County Superior Court’s Probate Investigations Unit provides the initial petition investigation (and periodic follow-up reviews) for conservatorship of older and/or disabled adults.
The Public Administrator, a division of the Los Angeles County Department of Treasurer and Tax Collector, provides estate administration services for those deceased County residents who have no immediate family members available to administer the estate.
Serving mostly older adults 55 years old and over, this service provides current military, Veterans, and their dependents (children and spouses) with assistance connecting to their earned State and Federal benefits.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs provide support for older adults with wage disputes and resources for workers. During the pandemic, this program also answers questions about minimum wage changes and requirements in unincorporated LA County, including HERO pay, Public Health Anti-Retaliation, and COVID-19 Vaccine Paid Leave ordinances.
This program serves people with disabilities who live at home or in non-medical facilities, allowing the income and property belonging to the spouse or parent of the participant to be exempted or “waived.” To apply people should call the Department of Health Care Services In-Home Operations Southern California information line at: (213) 897-6774.
This program, courtesy of the LA County Office of the Assessor, assists older adults in accessing tax incentives for the purchase or construction of a new home that is of equal or lesser value than your existing home; this is accomplished by transferring the trended base value to the new property.
The LA County Office of the Assessor assists consumers with accessing property tax relief for severely and permanently disabled claimants when they sell an existing home and buy or build another home.
The California State Controller’s Office administers the Property Tax Postponement Program, which allows homeowners who are at least age 62, are blind, or have a disability to defer payment of current-year property taxes on their principal residence if they meet certain criteria, including at least 40 percent equity in the property and an annual household income of $45,810 or less (among other requirements). The deferment of property taxes is secured by a lien against the property, which must eventually be repaid. The application filing period is October 1 to February 10 of each year. Please call (800) 952 5661 or email for more information
Property Tax Postponement Program for Senior Citizens, Blind, or Disabled Persons
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs provides counseling and educational support for older adults regarding real estate issues, including home foreclosure prevention, notices of default, and avoiding fraud and scams.
This office has information regarding work opportunities for older adults within the County.
This program provides training and part-time employment for older adults and assists in the transition of participants to private or unsubsidized job placement. Please visit the page below or call 1(800) 510-2020.
This volunteer and internship program connects older adults who have the time, interest, and expertise to provide assistance and other services to the LA County Department of Children and Family Services with the goal of supporting children, families, and their community
Older adults with eligible dependent children may be eligible for financial assistance programs through the LA County Department of Public Social Services.
This case management and application support service connects older adults to comprehensive services that increase income, prevent homelessness, and support overall health.
Low-income adults who may not qualify for federal or state programs may be eligible for County-funded financial assistance through the LA County Department of Public Social Services.
This program provides support and financial assistance to older adults and individuals with disabilities who need help paying for utilities. For further inquiries or assistance with Utility Assistance Program applications, please connect with your L.A. County Aging & Disabilities Department’s Community and Senior Centers.
Older adults 62 years and older who are head of household and receive Supplemental Social Security (SSI) Benefits may be eligible for an exemption from paying Utility User Tax.
The Financial Navigators Program, run by the LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs’ Center for Financial Empowerment, helps residents deal with the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, providing remote assistance in navigating critical financial issues and making referrals to other social services and resources.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers programs, tools and information to assist older adults and caregivers with consumer counseling and protection including credit, identity theft, and avoiding fraud. Department of Consumer and Business Affairs investigates referrals of elder financial abuse received from Adult Protective Services social workers.
This office assists older adults with opening a new business, developing succession planning for existing business, and enter government contracting.
This free program offers tax help to persons with disabilities, older adults, limited-English speakers, and those whose income is $57,000 or less.
Resource guide of essential free and low cost older adults and caregiver services and supports that include: food, health, mental health, wellness, social connections, legal caregiver support and other local, state and national resources.
LA County Adult Protective Services, in partnership with Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, hosts informational sessions for older adults featuring expert presenters on topics including consumer protection, avoiding scams, and how to recognize and report suspected elder abuse.