April 7, 2023
Lara Arsinian, DEO Communications
LA County Invests $38M to Modernize Public Workforce System
Los Angeles, CA – The Los Angeles County Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) announced the release of the America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) Modernization Request for Proposals (RFP). Guided by the Board of Supervisors, the LA County Workforce Development Board (WDB), stakeholders, and community members, the AJCC Modernization RFP aims to streamline and strengthen LA County’s public workforce system, which meets the hiring and training needs workers and employers, and currently serves more than 18K job seekers and 4k businesses per year through 18 AJCCs countywide.
This RFP is seeking non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, public agencies, social enterprises, public or private higher education institutions and/or similar organizations that will administer services as a one-stop AJCC operator and comprise the network of LA County AJCCs that make up our public workforce system. The County’s AJCC network provides a comprehensive range of no-cost programs, services, and resources for businesses and workers, including help with finding job openings, obtaining training and career counseling, accessing supportive services, and connecting a skilled workforce to quality jobs. DEO and the AJCCs work in close collaboration with the County’s six other WDBs, business and industry, educational institutions, social service agencies and community-based organizations, other County departments, and directly with communities across Los Angeles County.
“We’re reimagining the LA County public workforce system to be more proactive and responsive in addressing the needs of our diverse communities, many who have lacked meaningful access or have been historically disinvested by the system through no fault of their own,” said Kelly LoBianco, Director of the newly created Department of Economic Opportunity. “DEO recognizes the immense value and crucial role CBOs play in building trust and delivering effective programs and services to communities far and wide. Through our modernization efforts, we are uplifting opportunities for our large and small CBOs to play an even more active role by providing workforce services as contracted providers within our workforce system while driving impact among priority populations and high-growth industries. These changes speak to a new direction of celebrating diversity, innovation and equity, championed through the leadership of our Board of Supervisors.”
Our AJCC Modernization RFP deploys the following modernization strategies to enhance the AJCC system in terms of quality of delivery and outcomes:
- Empowering and including small, hyper-local community-based organizations within the AJCC system as part of DEO’s Equity in County Contracting initiative
- Growing place-based and virtual service delivery
- Increasing community outreach and engagement
- Prioritizing High Road Training Partnerships
- Ensuring effectively staffed AJCCs that serve as model high road employers
- Incentivizing quality outcomes and impact
- Establishing priority population and industry-specific Centers of Excellence
The Centers of Excellence (COE) strategy emerged through Countywide community engagement and listening sessions. This new strategy will require each selected provider to hire teams and develop expertise in high-growth industry sectors that offer living wage jobs for the communities served within the region, help build the capacity of the AJCC system to meet the hiring and training needs of that sector(s), and offer universal access to opportunities across all centers. Industry sectors include Aerospace and Defense, Biotech and Life Sciences, Construction and Infrastructure (with an emphasis on green jobs), Creative Sector (including Film and Digital Media), Early Care and Education, Healthcare, Hospitality and Tourism, Information Technology, and Trade, Transportation and Logistics.
The strategy also requires each selected provider to serve as a population-focused COE, reflective of both WIOA recognized priority populations and the communities within our region who have historically been underserved by workforce systems. Populations include English Language Learners, Foster and Opportunity Youth, Individuals Experiencing or At Risk of Experiencing Homelessness, Justice System Impacted Individuals, LGBTQIA+, Persons with Disabilities and Older Workers, and Veterans.
Proposals for the AJCC operators will be evaluated on the required forms and attachments as detailed in the RFP and as listed in the RFP Submission Checklist. This RFP Submission Checklist is inclusive of the AJCC Modernization RFP Questions, Exhibit 11, which serves as a guide to support proposers in developing a comprehensive narrative on how they plan to deliver services and meet the expectations of the RFP in 35 pages or less. Notice of intent to submit a proposal is due May 4, 2023, with final proposal submissions due June 22, 2023 by 12:00pm. Interested proposers must attend a mandatory Virtual Proposer’s Conference on April 27, 2023. RSVPs must be submitted by April 20. Additional information about the RFP can be found here.