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Public Health Launches Heart Heroes 2023 Campaign

Public Health Launches Heart Heroes 2023 Campaign 600 117 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

April 6, 2023
Public Health Media
(213) 240-8144

Public Health Launches Heart Heroes 2023 Campaign

500,000 LA County Residents to be Trained in Hands-Only CPR by End of 2023

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is proud to announce the launch of the LA County Heart Heroes 2023 Campaign, with the goal to train 500,000 Los Angeles County residents and workers in hands-only CPR by December 31, 2023.

The initiative is holding trainings this week at Public Health Week events across the County. Additional trainings will be held throughout the year at sporting events, entertainment venues, places of worship, college and school campuses, worksites, malls, and other places throughout LA County.

According to the American Heart Association, more than 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside of hospitals each year, and more than 70% happen at home, with only 40% of people receiving immediate help before emergency professionals arrive. Learning hands-only CPR can potentially triple the chance of survival for someone experiencing cardiac arrest.

Residents and workers can find hands-only CPR trainings by searching the Public Health calendar of events or requesting a training for their organization (for a minimum of 150 people). Additionally, community members can become hands-only CPR trainers for their organization as part of the Heart Heroes 2023 campaign. As a partner, organizations will receive training in DPH’s hands-only CPR train-the-trainer session, support in training at least 150 individuals, and resources to promote hands-only CPR training.

“Hands-only CPR is a simple yet powerful way to save a life in an emergency situation, and I encourage all LA County community members to learn this lifesaving skill,” said Dr. Barbara Ferrer, Ph.D., M.P.H., M.Ed., Director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. “Our Heart Heroes 2023 campaign is a collective effort with our partners, including the Los Angeles County Fire Department, the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross, LA City Fire and Police, and so many others, who are instrumental in supporting this important initiative. Together, we are working to ensure that every resident in LA County has the knowledge and skills to respond effectively in the event of a cardiac emergency. I urge everyone to take advantage of the many training opportunities available and help us achieve our goal of training 500,000 Heart Heroes by December 31, 2023.”

Public Health has partnered with the following partners to achieve the goal of training 500,000 Los Angeles County residents in hands-only CPR: Los Angeles County Fire Department, Department of Health Services Emergency Medical Services, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Los Angeles Fire Department, Los Angeles Police Department, American Heart Association, American Red Cross, Los Angeles Dodgers, Los Angeles Rams, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Lakers, LA Clippers, Los Angeles Kings, Los Angeles Galaxy, LAFC, The Music Center, LA Zoo, and the Hotel Association of Los Angeles.

For more information, visit ph.lacounty.gov/heartheroes.

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