January 31, 2023
Mike Sanchez:Â 562-462-2648
Media Info:Â 562-462-2833
Vote Center Opens on Election Day for the City of Downey Special Municipal Election
LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk (RR/CC) Dean C. Logan announced the Vote Center is open for voting in the City of Downey Special Municipal Election.
The Vote Center is open from 7 AM to 8 PM for safe in-person voting, or to return a completed Vote by Mail ballot. All Vote Centers follow current public health and safety guidelines.
Vote Center Location:
Furman Park
Activity Rooms 1 and 2
10419 Rives Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
The safest way to participate in this election is to return the Vote by Mail ballot by mail (no postage required), to an Official Ballot Drop Box, or at a Vote Center.
Media who want to visit the Vote Center should contact mediainfo@rrcc.lacounty.gov before arrival.