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Monthly Archives :

October 2022

LA County Board of Supervisors Makes Unprecedented Investment in County of Los Angeles Parks to Support Youth, Families, and Communities 600 75 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

LA County Board of Supervisors Makes Unprecedented Investment in County of Los Angeles Parks to Support Youth, Families, and Communities

On Tuesday, October 6, 2022, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors approved the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Supplemental Budget, expanding recreational opportunities and programming in County of Los Angeles Parks, with critical investments in our most vulnerable communities. read more
Supervisors approve $144 million in Safe Clean Water Funding for Regional Water Resiliency 599 74 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Supervisors approve $144 million in Safe Clean Water Funding for Regional Water Resiliency

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors today awarded $144 million in Safe Clean Water funding, including 24 new infrastructure projects, 17 scientific studies, and various watershed area resources designed to increase the region’s water resiliency. read more
Head of Election Worker Management Company Arrested in Connection with Theft of Personal Data 600 169 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Head of Election Worker Management Company Arrested in Connection with Theft of Personal Data

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón announced today that an executive with a Michigan-based company responsible for the software used in managing Los Angeles County election poll workers has been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of those workers. read more
Finalizing the County Budget 1024 595 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

Finalizing the County Budget

The last step in the LA County budget process is the Supplemental Budget.

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