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LA County statement on LA Alliance lawsuit

LA County statement on LA Alliance lawsuit 800 450 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES

March 8, 2022
Countywide Communications

LA County statement on LA Alliance lawsuit

Los Angeles County understands that the City of Los Angeles and the LA Alliance for Human Rights have reached a settlement over conditions on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, over which the city has primary jurisdiction. We welcome such a settlement and hope that it truly addresses the humanitarian crisis on Skid Row and supports a path for the City of Los Angeles’ most vulnerable residents to finally have a place to permanently call home.

The County has committed more than $1 billion this fiscal year for a range of County programs that includes additional housing and services to tens of thousands of people experiencing homelessness throughout the County, and we are willing to expand investments to resolve the County’s part in this lawsuit. We are confident that the Court and the plaintiffs will recognize the magnitude of our efforts.

Addressing the homelessness crisis with supportive solutions that help people and communities across the entire County remains our top priority. The County has committed unprecedented resources to this crisis, not just in the City of Los Angeles, but also in our other 87 cities and the unincorporated areas. We will continue to provide services and housing to those in need while focusing on long-term, sustainable solutions that change lives and help individuals and communities now and into the future.

Since the passage of the County’s Measure H in 2017, the County has provided vital services and housing to hundreds of thousands of people experiencing homelessness including housing 78,000 of the most vulnerable people in permanent housing and 104,000 in interim housing.

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