In order to protect our aging population, these programs connect consumers to services that assist them in navigating the legal system.
This is a state-mandated 24 hours, 7 days a week, social services program. APS social workers investigate and respond to allegations of abuse, neglect or self-neglect, and exploitation of older and dependent adults who live in the community. Emergency situations are responded to immediately. After investigation, a service plan is developed, with the client’s consent, to meet their unique needs. For more information, please call (877) 477-3646.
This service connects older adults with teams that are trained to support elder abuse victims and qualified consumers with expedited legal and other needed services.
Los Angeles County Elder Abuse Forensic Center (LACEAFC)- with District Attorney Office
Victim advocates provide crisis intervention, emergency assistance, counseling referrals, court escort and orientation, case status/disposition updates, assistance with filing applications for reimbursement for some crime-related losses, and other assistance. For more information, please call the Elder Abuse Section at (213) 257- 2304.
This program offers free community education and counseling on Medicare and related health insurance issues, through informal advocacy or legal representation. For inquiries, please call (213) 383-4519 or 1(800) 510- 2020.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers programs to assist older adults with identity theft issues including counseling, credit reports, and reducing risk of elder financial abuse.
Serving mostly older adults 55 years old and over, this service provides current military, Veterans, and their dependents (children and spouses) with assistance connecting to their earned State and Federal benefits.
This volunteer and internship program connect older adults who have the time, interest, and expertise to provide assistance and other services to the LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs with special projects such as mediation, counseling, and research.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers programs, tools and information to assist older adults and caregivers with consumer counseling and protection including credit, identity theft, and avoiding fraud.
This service addresses complaints and concerns from residents in skilled nursing and licensed board and care facilities. For more information please call 1(800) 510- 2020 or (800) 334- WISE (9473).
This program offers legal representation by a California State Bar member to individuals aged 60 and over, as well as family caregivers of older adults and relatives caring for minor children. For inquiries, please call Bet Tzedek Legal Services at (323) 939-0506.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers mediation and supportive services, including online dispute resolution, to review offers to settle outside of court including restraining orders, small claims, unlawful detainers, and collections.
The LA County Superior Court’s Probate Investigations Unit provides the initial petition investigation (and periodic follow-up reviews) for conservatorship of older and/or disabled adults.
This program provides support for LA County residents who need help to manage their own affairs after a request conservatorship has been filed. For eligibility requirements, please visit the website below for more information.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs offers support for older adults with small claims settlements and litigation, including filing a small claim with the court, presenting a case, or collecting a judgement.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs provide support for older adults with wage disputes and resources for workers. During the pandemic, this program also answers questions about minimum wage changes and requirements in unincorporated LA County, including HERO pay, Public Health Anti-Retaliation, and COVID-19 Vaccine Paid Leave ordinances.
The LA County Department of Consumer and Business Affairs may offer support for older adult tenants and landlords with rental issues, including rent stabilization. For more information, please call (833) 223-RENT (7368) or email at rent@dcba.lacounty.gov.
The Los Angeles County Office of Immigrant Affairs helps all immigrants learn about wraparound support services available for them and their families. We always help you with a smile, speak your language, understand your culture, know your immigration concerns, and safeguard your information. These are some of the services we can connect you to: COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, treatment Landlord/tenant disputes and foreclosure prevention Medical and mental health care Wage disputes and small business support Food security and nutrition Immigration legal representation and public charge concerns Consumer fraud and disputes.
Support is provided to informal family caregivers and grandparents raising grandchildren. Services include a caregiver support group, training, counseling, respite, and other supplemental services. This program is administered by the Aging & Disabilities Department’s “Area Agency on Aging” branch.
L.A. County Aging & Disabilities Department’s Community and Senior Centers are information hubs for LA County aging services information and offers social and recreational space for older adults and general participants. For a list of Centers near you, please visit the link below, or call (800) 689-8514 or 211.
This program, courtesy of the LA County Office of the Assessor, assists older adults in accessing tax incentives for the purchase or construction of a new home that is of equal or lesser value than your existing home; this is accomplished by transferring the trended base value to the new property.
The LA County Office of the Assessor assists consumers with accessing property tax relief for severely and permanently disabled claimants when they sell an existing home and buy or build another home.
LA County Adult Protective Services in partnership with Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, hosts informational sessions for older adults featuring expert presenters on topics including consumer protection, avoiding scams, and how to recognize and report suspected elder abuse.