June 14, 2022
Cinthie Lopez-Paz, Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services to Host Elder Abuse & Dementia Educational Webinar with Telemundo 52 News Anchor Sandra O’Neill
LOS ANGELES, CA – The Los Angeles County Adult Protect Services (APS) Program administered by the Department of Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) is hosting a virtual educational webinar to raise awareness about dementia and elder abuse. The first session will be held in English on June 15, 2022, at 12 PM, Pacific Time (US and Canada) with a second session on June 16, 2022, at 11AM, Pacific Time (US and Canada) in Spanish.
These free, educational webinars will provide information regarding the nature of elder abuse, its signs and systems, and how to report it. The event supports “World Elder Abuse Awareness Day” and will include special messages from Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda L. Solis and WDACS Executive Director Dr. Laura Trejo.
Rates of elder abuse continue to increase in Los Angeles County and surrounding areas. By 2030, the state projects elders will make up 21% of the county’s more than 10 million residents. Taking financial, emotional, and physical abuse together, allegations of mistreatment have more than doubled in L.A. and Riverside counties since 2005, with reports of psychological and financial abuse growing the fastest.
Dr. Laura Trejo, Executive Director of WDACS Aging and Community Services Branch, is responsible for the Adult Protective Services Program in Los Angeles County. “Elder abuse is a silent problem that robs older adults of their dignity, security, and—in some cases—costs them their lives. We are thankful for the support of the Board of Supervisors in recognizing that in treating everyone equitably, we must change the way that our society thinks about older adults and how to keep them safe.”
Telemundo 52 News Anchor and award-winning journalist, Sandra O’Neill, will serve as the moderator for each session. The public is invited to register for the free event here. Attendees will have opportunities to ask questions to subject matter experts from Los Angeles County Adult Protective Services, Alzheimer’s Los Angeles, and WDACS staff.
About APS: Each California County has an Adult Protective Services (APS) agency to help elder adults (60 years and older) and dependent adults (18-59 who are disabled), when these adults are unable to meet their own needs, or are victims of abuse, neglect or exploitation. County APS agencies investigate reports of abuse of elders and dependent adults who live in private homes, apartments, hotels or hospitals.
APS provides services to older and dependent adults who need assistance and crisis intervention. APS Social Workers investigate all allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation, by working closely with their network of professionals, including physicians, and law enforcement agencies.
About Alzheimer’s Los Angeles: For four decades, Alzheimer’s Los Angeles has served the people of both Los Angeles County and the Inland Empire. Alzheimer’s Los Angeles focuses on giving support, care, advocacy, and local research. Training and education are conducted by professionals. All funds raised are used to provide free care and support for individuals and families.
About WDACS: WDACS delivers services and supports to the residents of Los Angeles County and businesses so they can succeed, grow, and thrive. WDACS aims to accomplish its goals through effective partnership-driven services that connect individuals to career opportunities, ensures the safety and well-being of older and dependent adults, and resolves conflicts to improve human relations.
For more information regarding the C4C Program, please click here.