
The rainy season is here. During storms, there is increased potential for flash floods, falling rocks and mud and debris flows. Everyone should be aware of the weather forecasts and associated impacts where they live, work, and play and take steps to be prepared and stay safe. Use the resources below to prepare for and stay safe during rainy weather.

Rain Safety Tips

    • Heed all instructions from emergency responders and emergency alert notifications.
    • Drive cautiously and slow down – Many roadways will be wet and slippery.
    • Do not attempt to cross flooded areas and never enter moving water.
        • As little as 6 inches of water can knock over and carry away an adult and 18-24 inches of water can carry away most large SUVs, vans and trucks. “Turn around, don’t drown!”

Stay Informed

Register for Emergency Alerts

    • Alert LA County is the opt-in mass notification program utilized by the County of Los Angeles that allows individuals to receive emergency alerts by text, email and/or phone call. Register for Alert LA County to opt-in for these emergency alerts. 
    • Cities, special districts, employers, schools and universities may each have their own emergency notification systems. View the list of systems utilized by jurisdictions throughout LA County and be sure to opt-in to your jurisdiction’s alerting system.


Sign up for Alert LA County

Download Storm Season safety brochures
English | Spanish | Chinese

Download The Works mobile app

Los Angeles County residents, renters, and business owners, including persons with disabilities and others with access and functional needs, may call 211 LA County for emergency preparedness information, and other referral services. The toll-free 2-1-1 number is available 24 hours a day and seven days a week. 211 LA County services can also be accessed by visiting https://211la.org

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